Sainte-Anne is the chapel of the southern district of Lorgues with a votive festival on 26th July. It was built to “appease the wrath of Heaven”, at a time of bad harvests.

Like many other local chapels, Saint Anne originally had a sheltering porch, but this was removed in 1740. At various times in the 18th century it became a fodder store. During the revolution (1796) it was sold as a national asset but given back to the Catholic Church in 1809. Badly maintained, it was eventually restored by the parish and municipality with the ASFVL (1978-1981).
Inside, the single nave is vaulted with pointed arches built from tufa. A remarkable baroque altarpiece (17th century) consists of a pediment supported by two twisted columns containing in the centre a large 18th-century canvas representing the Holy Family. On either side are two niches containing statues of the Virgin and Child (to the east) and of the education of the Virgin by Saint Anne.

On the east wall there is a large 19th-century canvas, the “Coronation of the Virgin” from the Chapel of St. Francis, and on the west side a canvas of the annunciation (1859).