Saint Jaume is how Saint James is known in Provençal. Built by the initiative of the Brotherhood of St Anne in 1646-48 on a crossroads of the medieval road, its sheltered porch welcomed travellers and pilgrims to and from Compostella. Sold at the Revolution, the chapel was bought back and restored by the inhabitants of the hamlet of Saint Jaume in the 19th century.
This porch later fell into disrepair and collapsed, but was rebuilt through the efforts of the parish, the municipality and the ASFVL.

The renovated interior is furnished with modern pews and altar. Behind the altar hangs a large crucifix carved in limewood by the Italian artist Tuninetti, installed in 2004. Above the entrance is a painting of the two Saint James – the major and the minor.

The votive festival is celebrated on 1st May.